Friday, September 28, 2012 於11:07 AM Hiiiiii, Finally when back to work today and i must say i actually missed the human world. LOL. Staying at home with my laptop just give me stained eyes & headaches. Perhaps i am getting old and can't be together with the tech for too long. But the toothache is still here to torture me and desperate, i googled for remedy. Thus when i got home , i immediately put finely chopped garlic mixed with salt into my mouth. For the first 1 minutes, i felt stupid cause its fucking horrible & my tooth hurts more. But after that...god bless human's intelligent LOL. The throbbing pain stopped and its still painful when i bite. Geesh I want to watch hotel transylvania & Life of Pi. EHH I WANNA WATCHHH *POUTS* aish..,
Thursday, September 27, 2012 於8:48 AM Hey there mortals. So for the past week i been holing up at home and hiding from the humans cause of my very swollen face. I must say, i am like a pigface. My cheek felt so heavy and whenever i walk i can feel my cheek bounce. REALLY. -depressed- Anws actually i did went out with liting to jurong point lahhhhhh Thanks for helping me with da application ah!. bro hug yo* &we ate mos burger. Awww after days of eating baby food...finally.. omg a burger and a huge piece of chicken Sort of regretted it cause the stitches on the left side has totally snapped or something. So i think the pharmacy din't predict that their patient 1) 's stitches will loosen 2) will lose to the temptation of chicken meat 3) 's stitches will be completely exposed 4) will get toothaches which i suspect is cavities. and thus they only give me 5 figging painkillers. I AM IN SORTO PAIN NOWWWWW T T. my cheek feels sore and my teeth hurts. whenever i bite something its hurts. T T. But nevermind, at least my face is back to its normal size Time to visit the dentist AGAIN. arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Friday, September 21, 2012 於9:17 AM I NEED THE MOVIE RIGHT NOW. RIGHT NOWWW. NOW!. 現在!馬上!立刻!給我!我要! Sunny day indeed.
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() In the courtesy of the photographer whom i had no idea if the human want to be named. Overcome the morbid fear of the being fully exposed under the sun and spent a afternoon in a beautiful beautiful pool with ma pretty friend while shooting look of disgust at over the top too intimate couples. Haha I don't really enjoy basking in the sunlight, its one of the top in my avoid list. Em, actually town during the day aint as pretty as i thought it would be. & i think this is the skimpiest clothing yet i ever wore in the public so oh *blush* hahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaaa Pigface signing in.
Thursday, September 20, 2012 於9:16 PM Greeting fellow humans. I have bravely endured and returned from the frightening process of extracting four of those accursed useless teeth resulting from devolution in the human, two of which are embedded in my gum. ... HAHAHAHHAA. Ok lah actually its like a breeze~~~~~~~~~ Its actually cool to be draped in that surgical green cloth thingy so it give me da chance to be dramatic. Glee. * tilt head up proudly* Ok lah, i sincerely thanks whoever that invented anesthetic. Well ,its a lot of drilling and pressure and erm ..ka ka sound. I think the dentist got a hard time trying to get my embedded teeth out and while pulling she commented, "Small bone but big teeth". Oh dear, you know my pain T T!!. Its not my face that is fat!! its my teeth!! my teeth!!!. T T Well i woke up super early for the surgery this morning and i am still reading the book which is all about christian grey's non-stop dominating sex attempt till late so ya, the plan is to go back to sleep immediately after i reach home but it has sorta fail cause which human can sleep with blood non-stop oozing out from my wound. God. NON STOP. I been drinking my own blood since 2 hours ago. On the bright side... brand new blood yay! it feels cleaner! LOL Well so ya, i am trying to put my time in good use so ..writing of resume and badgering my friends for their information as referees in te process~ Am quite determined to get the job after seeing the way my mama walk when she accompany me for the surgery just now. Her constant whining are actually 60% drama and 40% fact. LOL Seriously you should see how she whines,its telly show standard kind of dramatic. So the 40% sort of triggers my natural mama instinct which make me tender loving caring LOL and guess its time for her to go back and just be a housewife. Normally i am just cold-blooded. HA. off to eat my porridge season with blood. BYE. Wednesday, September 19, 2012 於11:06 AM Good morning you. I start off mine badly today. Am sooo busy painting my face when this china woman called and besieged me about the only apple product i own. Omg, and lord. She is persistent cause she actually called me at least 5 times right after i hang up on her phone which i admit is rather rude but bitch please, could you blame me?. She totally ignored my "sorry is this important cause i am quite busy right now" + "sorry i am not interested" (after i found out its just a survey call) X 3 times. Ye, ignores and proceed with her introductory shit plus the question. -_-+ I HAD NO INTEREST IN ANSWERING QUESTIONS THAT ARE NON-BENEFICIAL TO ME SO TAKE THEM AND ROLL AWAYYYYYY. holycow, sad for you my patience is at its lowest peak within the first 3 hours of my waking so ya. & judging from my caller id, the number doesn't even look local and the speaker is a impatient china woman...uh *hang up* I know you're doing your job but ya, listen and stop being so pushy. Ohduh, I only had like 15 minutes to paint my face before i rush out for work and every minute spent listening to that cursed call is a waste man . After that i thought i could continue to enjoy my jiyong's awesome new song and was quite happy dancing to Crayon but that crazy bitch keep calling and cut off my song. What the fuck. one call after the other. Considering that its totally not any call that is important like oh i never paid my bill etc cause she doesn't even know my basic information SO YA, woman are you pissed and trying to pick up a fight?! What audacity. Too bad i don't have the gut to pick it up and scream at her humph. I should, i really really should!!! RAWR Seriously ... why do they even know my no. in the first place?! -_________________________________- Grrr, the next time i met someone as kaopei as her. I shall just sing until she hung up -_-. HA By the way i am finally plucking out my wisdom teeth tomorrow!! Its a bit weird for me to be actually looking forward to that but i am seriously quite sick of brushing my teeth till i gag. Heeeeeeheeeeeeeee~ Off to read Fifty Shades Of Grey, the pornographic verison of twilight. Actually its more than pornographic. coughs. intense *beep.beep*, flogging and stuff. Coughs. The contract alone is ridicules. LOL Oh, andyker is the one who introduced it to me. tsktsk byebye~ Tuesday, September 18, 2012 於10:05 AM Heehee, Actually i am scared to death whenever i am on a roller coaster ride but i just love the thrill and satisfaction of conquering something you fear. Maybe after i can clap and laugh when i am plunging down the slope of death i shall go ahead and battle a crocodile thennn after that i will munch a apple LOL. omg ultimate horror -_-lllllllllllll Imma warrior des. *V hand sign* This is my lengnui bb. I want to live in accompany of furrrrrrrrrrs. i dislike human HAHAHA~ *&^%$#@!~
Monday, September 17, 2012 於11:23 AM ................................................................!!!?! ![]() 劉靓仔, 老子跟你有的耗了。 I am not gonna let out for three days!!!. No tidbits for you too!!!!!. Effff No gonna kiss you byebye too!!!!!! hmpf Geesh dumb baby its so dangerous to chew the wire some more. Imma like charging deh phone with it just now. 劉靓仔大笨蛋!! 你要是有什麼三長兩短你叫媽媽怎麼辦啊~ -run away leaving behind a trail of sparkling tears- 。・ ゚・。* 。 +゚。・.。* ゚ + 。・゚・(((゚つД <) I haf gort sexy lip
Sunday, September 16, 2012 於11:05 AM HHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA. ![]() Wooo imma so gonna go buy neon orange lipstick. HAHAHA. Anws , from on onward any human who dare relate me with china will receive a deadly venomous glare. I gonna leave them standing there awkwardly while facing my distorted from hatred face till their meat rot away and their bones reduced to ashes. TMD &^%$#@!@#$%^*. Kao pei!!!. nevermind.. I been feeling rather high recently. GET YOUR CRAYONN CRAYONNN~ HAHAHA. God has been showering me with too much love recently.
Right after resident evil come this... omg, this is it. Jiyong i love you and only you onlyy youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu~~~♫ and youuuuuu aloneeeee~~~~~~♫ can thrill me like you doooooooooooooooo~~~ ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ I keep on pausing and replaying the part when he took off his bathrobe and start shaving with a universe worth of swag. OMG WAHHHH ZOMBIESSS WAHHH
Saturday, September 15, 2012 於9:46 AM Watched resident evil retribution with andyker today. & my actions are so big, as complained by him. Cause imma like clapping in joy and laughing at the zombies. Bitch please, those zombies can drive can ride motorbike can use machine gun and oh ya, can use chainsaw somemore leh. HAHAHAHA. Must be a bitch to pick which zombie to do these task, firstly the eyeballs must be intact and their four limbs mustn't be chewed off HAHAHAHA &&&&THE ENDING / PREVIEW OF THE NEXT MOVIE IS AWESOME. My blood is bubbling with excitement now. ok i don't know what its like... er i am getting high blood pressure from excitement!!!!. Omg i am like squeaking and clapping when the screen zoom out to show the thick heavy wall acting as the barricade and the HORDES of zombie trying to break it now and all the weapon and fires and world end setting WHOAAA OMGGG THIS IS FICKIN AWESOME BABY. "The red queen is determined to destroy all life on Earth, this is the last of what remain of us - the human race.bahbahbahbahbah. This is humanity last stand, the beginning of the end. " I had no idea what the real orgasm feels like but i think this is close to it. LOL I AM SO HIGH NOW. I LOVE THIS KINDA STUFF. The final fortress, the last stand, the end of humanity, humans struggling to defend against a overwhelming horde of monster etc whatever goshhhhh omg omg omg omg omg omg . I HOPE THE NEXT MOVIE WILL BE AS EPIC AS WAR IN LORD OF THE RING!!!!!!. I LOVE ALL EPIC WAR. DIE HUMAN DIEEEE. omg i totally can't sleep already. I need some canon in D. Anyways thanks to mr ker lahh for helping meh~ lalalala~ Friday, September 14, 2012 於9:10 AM Been raging around like a tyrannosaurus a lil bit way too much recently. Like omg RAWRRR *FLIP TABLE* TIME TO DESTROY TE EARTH RAWRRR~ *wave tiny & short arms around in rage* All i could say is... is because your bully me!!! 是他們欺負我~~~ 他們都不喜歡我~~~ *內心戲Starto* "Oh why, what had i done to deserve this. Why do your have to piss me off!! why!!!" *pull hair* LOOLOLOLOL. *coughs* Off to eat my kong ba bao. omg meattttttt ~~ HAHAHA Why am i here man. I dont know man. i only know kong ba baooooo nowwwww~~~ weeeeee~ Wednesday, September 12, 2012 於1:47 PM
I am able to perceive which are jokes and which are just negative emotions vented toward my direction in form of crude remarks.
Just so you know, the latter one pisses me off .
Just so you know, i am petulant by nature and the only reason i am being tolerant is-
Well you should know. Don't over do it
I think its healthier to come clean with stuff instead of holding stuff in so ya.
Andyker been practicing it like a professional so i think its not bad since i haven't go berserk yet so..
You kaopei &^%$#@!#@$%^&^%$#@@$T$Y%*(^&%$#@EDFBNJYR^&%$##@WER%^&*^(&*^%&^$%#@#how dare you make me a clown*&^%$#@WEFGYTU^&%^$#%$@#ERFG$^&%*&$#$nabei!!@#WEWEYU^*&%^$%#@#*&^%$#@$%Y
Night night pffff.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012 於11:46 AM ![]() Awwww i got a pretty girlfriend kekeke~ =3=* HAHAHAHAHA. Hi val, this is prolly the only photo we took together that day. Awesome much. lol. too busy queuing up to take photo with the drunk bunny boy that day and stuff..meh Had no idea why, but the skin on my cheek feels raw. Feel as if the skin has been peeled off or something... omg ouch. What is happening man. Am getting ready to pack my bags now to crash over at the banana's place this friday because i know that woman will be coming... Omg my bathroom omg those giggles oh the terror i can't stand it anymore!!!! the good thing is that her house has a endless supply of beer. YAYY. LIM JIU!. Depressed me shall brood in the corner and drink while her demon dog growl at me. HAHAHA. /w\~
Monday, September 10, 2012 於9:54 AM Had a good celebration for da asshole's 21th birthday~ hahaahahaha Hi ,your drunken state will be carved into my mind forever. I had totally no idea how many things i throw in your direction that day nor how many time i tried to strangle you out of frustration but ya, love cha~ Please stop betraying me from now on. LOL. I am sorta sad that one of the room slipper i sent flying toward your direction din't hit your head. Firstly, i must note down the stuff i gonna bear grudges for alright. top to my first is that 鄙視 look lau liting threw at me before she flee the room with val. LOL. Kaopei, when do you see a drunk woman behave so sensibly hur?!. The reason why i kept drinking from the bottle after everyone left is because... 老娘還沒喝夠呢!。 My mood is pretty bad 的說!!.*&^%$#@!? That heartless man, he ignored my existence!!! *i drink i drink i drink drink drink T^T* LOL & furthermore that crazy andy ker is still spouting highly dangerous nonsense and singing in his own crazy state. I feel like his mama already /=\. Too bad i din't drink enough to join him in the crazy land so i had to be the medic ...ya some sort. /-\... since me and xh are the only sober one there... /o\. ehhhhhhhhh when are we going for da buffet ah!?. Sigh.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012 於12:27 PM I am such a awesome friend. I want to friend myself. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA LOL. 不 不! 不要打我!!~ 我是說真的啊~ I think i gonna need to alcoholic drink for that extra boast in courage before i head out tomorrow. *foams* my mama been extra nice recently and i wonders why. Now i know, she has just totally retire and is going for holiday soon & i think she wants my wardrobe stuff so i gave her the green ticket. Its like exchange for peace and serenity plus laid out breakfast daily till her happiness level hit zero. HAHAHA. She came into my room two days ago and make me, the tech-idiot to teach her how to use facebook on her new samsung touch phone . Bitch please till now i don't even know how to save a photo on my iphone and had to print screen very time. In prevention of her going into the gosh you unfilial daughter why u ma daughter like this mode, i give up watching Running man and try to figure the damn phone out. Actually the main reason is because she is pissed at my bro too. So when she say 他?我才不要理他~ I am like totally heehee 好啦好啦~ 來電話拿來~ 我看看~ *delightful smile* Then start to complaint about an annoying presence that has been haunting the house, murdered my facial wash and terrorizing me. In the end, i hate Samsung. You suck, i almost want to throw that piece of garbage against the wall. stupid phone,lousy piece of shittttttttt!!!!! -_-+. By the way my parent are leaving for malaysia soon so ya, COME COME EH COME MY HOUSE STEAMBOAT. WEEEE~ LAI LAI DAI JIA LAI CHI FAN! GOODNIGHTT. Monday, September 3, 2012 於10:36 AM I realize i can no longer reap from my high metabolism as that divine protection against accumulation of fats is starting to wear off due to the fact that... i am aging... *turns around & silently wipe off tear* To it has come to this... I can't continue living like a hybrid of a sloth and a pig now!!! T-T!!!!! So thanks to my protruding tummy, my supper change from this God, the first photo look so figging awesome D:. Its mushroom soup with prawn aglio olio and cakiie and orange juice... D:. Fuck corns. LOL By the way its only the 4th. Can't wait till its the 21th so i can remove all of my wisdom teeth. The food that kept getting struck on my topmost two wisdom teeth is annoying me its driving me crazyyyyyy. The idea of having rotting food struck to my teeth is killing meeeeeeeee Gah Can't wait for the sims 3 latest expensin release. Gosh, supernatural and seasons!!!!! Dear lord, you finally answered one out of the thousand prayers i made. I knew you're watching me above, the galaxy doesn't separate us. HAHAHA There will be faeries and zombies!!! omg omg i am so excited wahahhahahahaha Hai hai off to sleep!. Bai bai~~ ~~ ~~ ZZzz mon amour
Sunday, September 2, 2012 於11:01 AM I will do everything just to hug him now By everything, it means including rolling in the mud, munching a apple or putting my head in le crocodile's mouth TvT. I love jiyongggggggggg~ Shit my love for him and almost as high as jaejoong now. I hate the fetish for single eyelid cute guys now but jaejoong is just the male version of Aphrodite. Oh nooo i cant choose i cant choose. LOL Labels: gdragon Grumpy face.
Why my face is U i want a V VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV NOT UUUUUUUUUUUUUUU whenever i see reflection of my U shape face i feel very depressed. FATS WHY YOU NO GO AWAY T T. FACE WHY YOU NO V SHAPE. Am feeling very stress now cause my swimsuit aint here yet. Plus my menses is here. ... LOL. &I felt like a dried-out well. Like a artist with no inspiration. Like a DS without stylus :(. when i am under stress i will become petulant and attack humans who are in my way. Lau liting almost got a full blown of it through texts today LOL. Who call you scold me! har?! LOL Thank god i am still rational. I did a lot of alteration to the texts before sending like deleting all the Chao - bye and Kan - na LOL. Ah mi tou fu. I hope that woman don't come to my house for the week for i am quite sure i will figging yell at her. Kaopei how dare you use my langeige and still din't bother cap it back. All the fucking bacteria and water go in you knnccb my toilet got at least 5 type of facial wash got hada labo got i-forget-what brand even for men facial wash got two type you love my bro so much must come so often to stay with him must well use his one la but you fucking must choose that figging small tube of my langeige you knn that's my favourite and its expensive you kaopei i hope your face rot and how dare you throw your figging comb into my compartment all my face stuff is figging there omg the bacteria wtf you bitch i kill you!!!!!!!. *strangles* I HAD ENOUGHHH *RAGES* I gonna tell my papa that if this continues wo li jia chu zhou!!!. LOL. Anyways aunties love me. i need to buy another bottle for water cause they can't stop talking to me. Aw when i pretend to be friendly i am so lovable So when i am tired of doing sales i will just go back to normal mode. HAHAHAHAHAHA. BYE 祭~
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() I turn out to look like some lady who worked in a bar for years in those ancient nippon days. ROFL. & i had no idea if its me, School feels homely to me at night. hahahhahaha I use to love going back to school for night tuition classes during my secondary school days cause the building just felt so different. Anyways its pretty fun except for all those rude chattering when we're struggling to get into our yukata at a public toilet. Those aunties are either rude or assumed that we're deaf or something. Non-stop spamming of questions and shit. My one piece loot make me so happy~~~ HAHAAHA. |