I need a bigger bowl
Thursday, June 28, 2012 於9:26 AM CAUSE ONE BOWL IS JUST NOT ENOUGH, HAHA. & this is my supper /-\. I should refrain from eating so much /-\. Been feeling tired recently.. is this the sign of aging?!. & i sprayed magic clean right into my face accidentally while trying to clean the counter a few days ago. Its a sensation i will never forget -_-. I wanted to slam the shutter shut and flag a cab home just to wash my face with hada labo so baddddd LOL. && i went to work today even when i am not suppose to be working Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh whattttttttt isssssss happeninggggggg tooooooo meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ARGHHRA
Tuesday, June 26, 2012 於8:38 AM MY ROOM'S LEGREST SOFA COUCH THINGSY IS MISSING!. *CHANGING INTO A INFERNO DEMON FROM RAGE*. LOL. and my room has been tampered with!. Ma, please run for your life unless you return me that legrest sofa couch thingsy which i used as a side table by tomorrow -_-+. Heeeeha!.
Monday, June 25, 2012 於10:50 AM Been strangely in love with demin recently, I bet its probably influences from the boss. ![]() Ha i love my ma cause she buy me cake rolls. ♥_♥. The green one with cheese is awesomeeeee I eat my friend as snack. Sew them cause i am too bored at work. Hooray to spiky hairband. LOL, felt like i could kill someone with it :3 this random but i am reading onepiece @ work and luffy look so cute here thus i can't help but to snap it. Gosh gosh luffy *pinch cheeks* I want to hug and cling onto you so bad HHAHAHAHA. Watched 妖狐×仆SS & Madoka Magica recently and they're both amazing~ Especially Madoka Magica. I thought its another typical chibi magical girls show where they flashes their ichigo panty at every transformation to satisfy those lolita loving otaka but i am so so so so so wrong. Forgive me for thinking that way, madoka you're the best T-T. Its not the conventional magical girl show where a bunch of girls battle king/queen monster and had much more depth in it..where the girls are actually battling their own dark emotions. & its pretty sad actually ... the way the girls end up sacrificing themselves for those they loved T-T Go watch it!. Oh, Prometheus is awesome too. Watched it with da colleagues after work last sat~ Thank you, prometheus ... for making such magnificent and beautiful looking aliens T^T. I am so touched till i am close to tearing when the glass thingy open and the beautiful alien walk out. Omg T^T. Seriously you had no idea how sick i am of seeing aliens being portrayed as chibi being with large head or just monster with frightening tentacles and covered with slime who only know how to chew humans. Kaopei. Aliens are highly intelligent being who probably can't be bother with chasing a couples of humans down several miles just to kill them alright. & the alien from Prometheus is so close to the one i had in my mind, the one i worshiped LOL. awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww this is so much love. Apart from that, the story line is ._.?. How is it figging possible for that female lead so survive all these shits?. She can escape from everything like a boss despite having her stomach cut opened, a alien baby pulled out of her and then stitched back in just like... less than a few hours ago?. Probably carried a zillion year of luck with her ._. ANWS GOODNIGHT~. just finish reading up on mata hari. She is figging interesting whoa. RAWRR
Friday, June 22, 2012 於12:18 PM Been behaving like a demon recently LOL. You can't blame me, its just natural. It happen to most of the girl every month~ I can't believe i had a argument/debate with that banana over One piece, anime and bl. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL. I had no idea why i got so pissed when she insist that all anime had BL since i do secretly love bl but i just started to go (&^%$#$%^^%$#@!$# BARARARA NO CAUSE THOSE BOYS ARE NAKAMAS!. ITS 热血!!!. ITS 友谊!!! How can she convert those 为了友谊老子我两背插刀在所不辞!! into mushy pinkish chuchu scenes!. 气死我气死我气死我!!!。 and right before that i almost felt to like cry after reading chopper's story in my shop!. I am figging touched by their friendship de shou!. The doctor is the best T T!!!!!! But then it all turned into chopper and the doctor loving each other scenes -_-, omg 气死。 Ok kinda funny now when i recall it. I remember complaining to my colleague and grumbling about stuff like luffy and zoro are not figging together and i stomp out of the shop saying " damn those bl luffy belongs to bao hancock!!!!!." HAHAHAHAAAA. No wonder she is laughing LOL. & i guess i am extra deadly if you wake me up during this period. I shot my mum a hyper venomous look and speak in a very low voice , " you will regret it if i am fully awake" and she give a grievance look and rushed out of my room with that kaopei of a vacuum machine. Seriously, for those super clever humans ... invent a silent vaccum machine already. Come on your brains can do it!. Alright, nonsense aside. My hair is getting real crazy and i had to tied it up Oh what is the figging point of my getting a hair cut T-T. Its figging flying in all directions and even toward my face -_-. And washing my hand and when i look up into the mirror, i see bird nest -_-. Anyways, i gonna stop cutting my hair and grow it long~ And ahhhh good afternoon liting, i see that you are reading my blog as to pass time in office again. See, I am your salvation from boring office life. LOLLLLLL Show some appreciation already tsk tsk!. Bring me to my old school & then dimsum!!. Mrt fare expensive neh * auntie mode * Anws lets go bkk soon, i am bloody sick of singapore and i just watched lotsa youtube video on their street food. Whoa foodddddddd~, i wanna try the jumping shrimp salad soo badddddd :p. So many things i wanted to do for next month~ :33 Wanna make Madoko themed sweet stuff & jinseng chicken soup & eat home steam boat!!!. NANANANANA BYE!!~ D:
Wednesday, June 20, 2012 於2:03 PM I really think i am close to being a one piece maniac man. Am severely deprived of luffy ever since i finish watching the latest episode and reading the manga is just not enough for those story lines are still fresh in my head T - T. So i went to watch the movies and honestly, some of them make me so pissed. esp Baron Omatsuri and the Secret Island, its a miracle when i din't burst a blood vessel after i finish the whole damn thing. I am like WHATTTT??? NANI?? KORE NANII???! . are you telling me that my Luffy can be <s>defeated</s> merely by just a crazy man with his medieval arrows?!. and that he is unable to move after being pinned onto a damn rock by just four of those those filmsy looking arrows, one for each limp?!. *FLIP TABLE* Alright shall go and read the mangas~ Am really tempted to paint the straw hat pirate logo on my wall LOL. I want to go the One piece's Sekai :(.
Sunday, June 17, 2012 於9:14 AM Cause i look like i still got my long hair :(. Looking at my old photos... i really miss my potiyanak hair a lot. At least i don't look so much like a little kiddo. God i know i shouldn't complaint about being able to look young but i wanted to be more feminine?. Er. Ya. Anws, finally went out with andy ker today after so damn long. Actually we're suppose to go kill zombies together with lau ting ting on sat but mehhh i choose to 耍脾气. HAHAHAHAHA. 你管我 who call lau ting ting to focus on mahjong tiles instead of me!!. Your friend is upset and need hell yeeee lotsa attention k!. LOL Back to today, actually its suppose to be a shopping trip but meah, din't buy much~ Actually its a good thing and ohye that ass went off early for steamboat dinner. *&^%$#@! but duh, not bad lorh catching up and stuff. Can't believe its only 12am and i am getting sleepy. Shall go and read my One piece manga and then zzZZZ~~ Good nightz, Ohhh happy papa day~ Just make my pa beam with happiness with the choco. HAHA. Jellyfish & superhero day ~ *sparkles*
Sunday, June 10, 2012 於2:19 PM yello!. Last tuesday i finally fulfilled my wish and went to visit da jellyfish~~~ am typing extremely slow one using just one hand for i am hugging lengleng with my other Luffy the bad bad kid went to bite my lengleng and now i am in the frighten mama mode. I refuse to let go of my baby till i make sure he is alright!!!. Btw he is sleeping peacefully now ahhh my love TvT. Anws, back to the day. Am suspose to meet ![]() I remember waking up at 10am but i guess i couldn't remember why i am up so early for and thus i went back to sleep. HAHAHAHAHHA LOL so when i remembered and saw the msgs, i am like jolted awake and dashing towards the bathroom, calling that ![]() Aww liting liting liting, now i know why you always call me three hours earlier to ask if i am awake when we gonna meet later. You truly know me the best bro. Anws to be honest.. whenever i pick up the phone, i am just awake man but trying to sound energetic & like woots bitch please woke up long ago yo so i wouldn't get nag on man. Stop calling me so early yo LOL. ANWS, actually its a relief to wake up late for actually the underwater world aint big and interesting enough . Could tour the whole place completely 3 times within two hours so reaching there at around 3o'clock is the best timing and its a blazing hot day. God i hate going out in the afternoon *sulk* & after much trouble and aid from google, we finally reached the underwater world~~ Its good to be there although its not as grand as how i remember it to be :(. Maybe everything look exciting through a kid's point of view but i think the aquarium need a renovation and more jellyfishes + octopus!!!. & to make it worst, that figging place was flooded with apunehneh. I know that human population is way too high in your country and maybe a little pushing is needed to get the other humans out of your path there but oi we don't practice that in singapore alright *&^%$#@#$%^&. Enough letters, photos time~ Its like a Pokemon world there LOL. I AM HUNGRY. by the way they are opening a chilli crab resturant right next to the aquarium... what irony. Crabby must be feeling real traumatize now. ITS THE POKEMON YOU GET WHEN YOU BRING THE FOSSIL TO PROFESSER I DON'T REMEMBER WHO!!. WHOA LOL. This is a giant octopus. Not really gigantic cause i just saw a Japanese chef slaughter a octopus of this size and turn it into a yummy plate of tako sashimi. But the way its head moves, kinda unnerving. I use to believe that i am able to touch and pick up any kind of living things on Earth without shrieking like a pig with exception towards crocodile and all sort of insects( I smash insects, no insect shall live to see the day) but...ugh not this man. A pokemon that make me wanna fire blast it. OHH this is cute!!!. we spent quite an amount of time in staring at it. the way it poke its tiny little head out of the sand is soooooooooooooo adorable awwwwwwwww~ They look like they are having coitus LOL. & sheldon cooper taught me that word. HEY FISHYYY!. ![]() I really loves the sting ray and their /-\ faces. They're so cute!! LOL Say hi to the one of the world's most ununderstood animal, sharky. They don't eat humans alright so stop using that as a reason to eat their fins!. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() &Tadas, the show thingy~ The first time in the year i am so fully exposed under that mother of a sun . But our seats are considered to be awesome for the seals are basically catching loops right in front of us but the price that had to be pay is the overdose of the deadly UV rays. plus i am being extra whiny thus my head gardener aka the ![]() Btw after the show is over, i am feeling totally faint and dizzy. Look at what the sun had done to me!!. The omg i am melting and fading away face. P.s. The seal tamer is kinda cute *blushes* ROFL. THEN ITS JELLYFISHES. Omg its a waste of my money for there are only two species of jellyfish. Remind me to lodge a complaint for all the disappointment i faced. Nevertheless, they're still so pretty~ Watched them float round and round.... AWWWWWW I WANT ONE TOO GOSH HOW CUTEEEEEEEEE!!!!. I WANNA POKE THEM SO BAD!!!!! AND THIS!, THEY CHANGE COLORS!!!!!!!! ok so prolly that concludes my trip to the fishy world. Next.... we went to watch the Avengers. Omg i am so touched. I finally caught the Avengers T-T... like after so damn long right. Cause all of my traitor friends when to watch them WITHOUT me. YOU BLOODY TRAITORS!!!. & everyone have the chance to rave over that movie, i shall do it too although i am like... a zillion years late. OH OH AVENGER IS SO AMAZING!!. EVERYTHING ABOUT IT IS FANTASTIC. I LOVE LOKI. OH LOKI BRING ME BACK TO ASGARD. BRING ME!!! I LOVE YOU!!!! Because of avenger i am in a superhero craze now and i just finishes watching all of the superheros movies... ok i haven't watch the incredible hulk but thor was great. CAUSE LOKI IS SO CUTEEE . LOKI!. LOKI!. LOKI!. LOKI!. LOKI! Guys are cuter when they're a lil bit bad. i stand true to that. ![]() ![]() we smuggled dinner inside. LOL I still regret not buying that huge chicken drumstick, it would be awesome to chew a chunk of meat off the drumstick while watching the movie. awwwwwww & i came home and found a present lying on my mini shelf. The frozen flowers i had always wanted!!! TvT AWW ONEESAMAAA~ ![]() LOL. & my days been pretty good till now, Perhaps my extrasensory lord is rewarding me cause i saved a snail weeks ago? HAHAHA Time to read my book and then sleeeeeeeeeep. goodnight~ |