Wednesday, March 28, 2012 於12:24 PM Urm, I realize i been addicted to reading gory novels recently. Hunger games trilogy, battle royale and i am targeting lord of flies or the running man next. LOLLLL. I think after finishing them all... my mind will be corrupted. Felt like to cry, cause my eyes been feeling really dry recently +_+. & i am not those who would wept over minor issues and heartbreak. Do anyone know any extra tear triggering heart shattering title out there?. I remember the last book that make me tear up is about teenage love and the boy died of cancer LOL. maybe i should search for that kind of book. In my future house, i gonna buy a huge bookshelf and fill it with novels, mangas and dvds. Life will be awesome Heeheeheeheeheeheehee. ^^ Goodnight~
No inspiration for a title.
![]() Photo taken on my birthday and val is like snapping photos throughout the day of our backviews like a paparazzi. Back to reading battle royale. Its interesting, hee.
Monday, March 26, 2012 於1:15 PM Really, what had i done to deserve this. Oh lord, is it because of that i doesn't believe in your existence and loved the one from the outer space instead?. So this is how you shall punish me?. MEH i still don't believe in you buuuuuuu. By the way, I rolled down 1/4 of the escalator 7 hours ago. *sip green tea and look calm. I rolled down 1/4 of the a figging escalator during 9.45pm at orchard in front of so many humans. Honestly, 我已毫无脸面苟活在这世上了,降雷劈死我算了啦!!! pains and injuries aside, i am wearing a skirt some more. Praise my extraterrestrial l lord that its long. And thank myself for being so calm and collected whenever shits happen, while i am still rolling i am already thinking of escape from the scene. Thus when someone helped me up and i found back my handphone, i muttered a few quick thankyou while faking a rather high pitch voice and lowered my head and brisk walk away like nothing had happened yo who just fell?? no one!!!.LOL. And i shall burn what i am wearing today. No one, will ever know that moron who rolled down is me LOL. By the way i love you my phone, you're really a tenshi. Surviving so many knsxxbknxsuaytothettm incident with me and never cracked once. I love you truly T-T and you flied out of my hand today man . awesome ANWS, i looked like i has just been attacked by the wolverine right now -_-. ... SAY HELLO TO MY SEXY SIDE OF RIGCAGIE LOL. rolling down the escalator is fucking painfullllllllllllllllllll. the right side of my body is covered with...escalator marks? lah!. and i foresee hell lot of bruises lah, esp on my arm. AND MY SHOULDER HURTS, I WHINE. HAHAHA. But its ok!, 男子汉大丈夫老子我流血不流泪!!。 HAHAHAHAHA. Aish but seriously why, I don't usually fall.. but when i do, it happened in the worst of the very worst of the very very worst and deadly places. For example, my right leg fall into the Mrt's door gap before. Till my tight area. /_\. Suddenly happy that my memory is bad, if i can remember all the details of very shit i been into. I would probably kill myself out of shame LOL. Enough of feeling suayed. And to my heartless friends!!. DREAM ON ABOUT EATING MY CURRY CHICKEN I SHALL NOT DIEEE LOL. Ass man how heartless are your?!. and that chao andyker even chey me when i told him i fall down. omg i am scarred for life emotionally LOLLLLL. treat me better man your best friend is like suffering from fatal physical and emotional pain man HAHAHA. Goodnight T-T
sorry, but i refuse to die alone.
Saturday, March 24, 2012 於1:55 PM Click play and finish watching this else something will crawl out under your bed and under your blanket and... darnit i am scared. just watch it you. ...... DAFUG DID I JUST WATCH. Eyes.. are your still in the sockets?... Don't melt... please don't... Huloooooooo
Hiiiii, I wanted to sleep early today but i ate McDonald just now. Thus, suffering from indigestion again. *flung mac against the wall My mood been pretty bad recently, Doesn't affect me much since i am born to be too happy go lucky LOLOLOL. But still..... ANDY I AM DITCHED DON'T START GLOATING GO KILL THAT MAN FOR ME SINCE LITING REFUSES TO RUN HIM OVER WITH HER CAR. HAHAHA, just kidding. Watched the hunger game with a banana after work today and i am quite disappointed. Ok, actually its not that bad but i just felt that a lot of details are missed out. firstly being, Peeta is should not be portrayed as some weak man who can only rely on katniss!!. KAO KAO KAO KAO KAO KANASAI WAIT LET ME REFRAIN MYSELF FROM TYPING OUT AN ESSAY IN DEFENSE FOR PEETA DEAR. which i already did just now, when i am discussing about the movie with andyker. LOL. Aiyah, don't wanna comment much. Go read the book!!. And after tonight, I came about to make some important decisions in my life. Cause i feel so freaked out while walking back home today kanasai i refuse to be such a weakling i angry RAWR. Firstly, i gonna burn all those tight fitting dress in my closet -_-. If i wear them out often, i think the chances of me turning into a lesbian will increase scientifically cause some male pigs walking around in human clothing seriously turn me off. *puke Secondly, should i give up on learning cooking 中华料理 for karate?. LOLLLLLLLL but with my stick like body ( i curse ), being able to fling someone over my shoulder would be like after i go up the mountain and meditate for a few zillion years so i shall raise the white flag and buy a small can of pesticide instead to carry around outside instead. But being able to fight like a kung fu master is so cool 8-8. I always admire those girls who can do karate kick like a boss man. and to be able to figging punch the shit out of those who freaked me out and then step on the most excruciating part ...*coughs* the feeling must be godlike. 8D. hiii please don't move further back already i am still nice and friendly and still not a kung fu master yet!. LOL. alright i am getting sleeeeeeepy goodnight! KYAA
Tuesday, March 20, 2012 於11:47 AM *falls back onto the sofa and wiggle legs too. JE MI OSO, JE MI OSO, JE MI OSO~ ohya,don't ever buy cheapo masks from fleas man!!. (or is it that i am the only one stupid enough to buy? D:) They are prolly fakes, just found out mine are fakeeeeeeeee OH SKIN MURDERERS RAWRRRRRRRRRR. Felt like my skin is rotting after putting them on fuhhhh. To those evil assholes who keep on making fake stuff to cheat innocent & gullible humans like me LOL, er PUIII. YOU SINNED YOU WILL NEVER GET TO SEE THE LIGHT AGAIN FOR THE LIGHT FORSAKED YOU AND EVEN THE DARK DOESN'T EMBRACE YOU, BURN AND REDUCE TO ATOMS, DIE!. Labels: bigbang kimchi seaweed tastes bad.
Hiiiiii Been slogging to earn more beli to spare~ Cause i am a home-person, going out for everyday in the past two weeks almost claimed my life. Am so thankful for break, i am exhausted. I miss everything in my room, am in such a bad mood for the previous week as my room is so darn messy and yet i had no time to clean up. Fuhhhh i can't stand messy room -_-, I will dieeeeeeeee Esp my makeup table and wardrobe. Whenever i open my wardrobe i had that impulse to either jump out of the window pulling my hair or to burn that heap of shit LOL. Anyways, i been rotting at home sleeping till late for the past three days and i feel... alive ROFL. Yes call me lifeless all you want i don't careeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee heeheeheeheehee *continue to roll around on my bed* and also, finally i get to spent time with my babies. Luffy that bitch been biting me cause she can't recognize me anymore. OH MY POOR CHILD, MUMMY HAS CAME HOME. COME, LET MUMMY TAKE A GOOD LOOK AT YOU. OH MY LOVE, YOU HAVE GROW SO BIG ALREADY. MUMMY PROMISES TO NEVER ABANDON YOU AGAIN. MUMMY LOVE YOU. LOL, i shall refrain from being dramatic although i did mentally play out the scene when i am struggling to hold her and in the same thing trying to prevent her teeth from sinking into my meat. aish /_\. My white ball of furry furry & lengzai are so much better, they love me enough to not attempt to eat my human flesh T-T sobbbbbb. Anws i cleaned my makeup table just now!!. I should add some sparkling effect to it man, i spent like 2 hours?!. Wiping everything free of dust and dirt. Felt like i could finally breathe -_-. But i gave up completely on my wardrobe. Wait till i go ikea next month bei~ LOL. GOODBI btw i miss my old ah lian self too, felt happier back then. Sigh too bad i have aged... Le wedding.
Monday, March 19, 2012 於3:48 AM Mum-to-be & meh. Congrats sis~~~ HAHAHHA.
Sunday, March 18, 2012 於2:29 PM If only i could clear my thoughts. If only i could love like when i am just a naive teenage girl. If only i still have that bravery inside of me. I wouldnt hope for anyone to change, cause no one really do. We just learn how to conceal our flaws better as we age. I did, thats why i am rarely honest with my feelings nowaday. I need a hug and a few pats. Goodnight Thanks for worrying for me As usual, i will be fine by the time i wake up. Heehee 我自认 我是坚强的,泪与辛并不适合我。 默默承受,犯傻的为你找借口,自卑的认为是我不够好。 愚蠢的事,我不想会。 也许曾做过,可你不值。 我并不贪心, 唯一想看到的就是一点付出,一点努力与真心。 当一次次的期望成了失望 我不得不怀疑 怀疑你对我的情感 怀疑我们是否适合 我常说, 长痛不如短痛。 说的开心 做的难 谁叫我就是死心眼 就是乐观。 看不见曙光是却还能拥抱着希望 看着办吧。 只庆幸,我也没陷的深。
Yes, i do deserves better. meow
Wednesday, March 14, 2012 於10:42 AM ![]() ![]() ![]() Cause i don't want to see my own face when i open up my blog page. Anws i would choose a black kitty if i am able to own a cat. So hamsum~
Pursuing of height in process.
Monday, March 12, 2012 於10:51 AM ![]() ![]() ![]() Look my at sneakers! Haha i love them although they remind me of my little hooligan school days. Make me tall and doesn't attempt to murder my legs :D. I hope my face massager can come as soon as possible because i still haven't give up on gaining weight even dough all the eating just make my face puff up like a balloon. Whatever, i shall 发福发福继续发福 till i found a magickal way to slim my face down. Ohya... Can anyone tell me who he is?. Anyone!!, i beg of you!!. Please tell me if you know!!! His identify is vital to me as i need more information and photos so i could start daydreaming and fantasizing about him . heeheeheeheehee. Promised my brain that i will rest early tonight to give it sufficient charging time so tadus goodnight goodbye ja ne~
Furball D luffy the devil.
Sunday, March 11, 2012 於11:53 AM Hiiii, came home from a wedding dinner and found myself stepping on a small puddle of pee while this unfilial daughter of mine is running around my room like a free hamster. -____________________________________-lllllll. So i shall torture her. *squeezeeeeeeee* Look at her face!!, its like " nonono i wont do it again!!~". awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww~ HAHAHAHAHAHAHA. ok i am just kidding about torturing her, please don't take it for real and do it to your pet. But actually when i pick her up in the first photo, i had it in mind to spank her butt but aish what can i do, her face is too cute :(. and she is so furry ~ *rub cheek* But she is growing up to be naughtier and naughtier. I shall go and clean up her shits now 8-8. Aish, luffy.. on the account of your cuteness.. you're forgiven. Btw, i been eating and wasting a lot of earth's resources in order to gain some weight and put some curves on my body and as my body system is being such a asshole, all the fats go to my face. I am so depressed now.. T - T. The bamboo stick shall not be my good friend, the pear is!! the pear!!!!.
Humans whom i hold slightly a little bit dear lorh.
![]() ![]() ![]() Oh dearest Extbahbahbahbah lord, please bless us with a lasting friendship even dough all of them make me feel like to slash them with a samurai sword at least once before. (Honestly, the word is bloody long. Meh don't have the patience man) Esp that two. Samurai sword is totally not enough, needa borrow some harry potter's magick and crucio a few zillion times. Anws, where did they disappear to man?. ...... ... 喔哦~ 爱我!!~ 别走!!~ 如果你说你不爱我!!~ LOLLOLLOLLOLLOL.
bad boy
Saturday, March 10, 2012 於10:40 AM D:. Jiyoung ah!!. Whai U sho Hamsum?. I love you i am willing to make you sandwiches everyday!!! ♥ Labels: bigbang :>
Thursday, March 8, 2012 於8:57 AM Heyyyyyyyyy~ Mr. Life been ill-torturing me recently :(. Le me shall now list out the top three things that have been bothering me recently. 3- I accidentally summoned a devil fox from the abyss today and had a fight with it and ugh, Been feeling sort of moody today. DIE YOU FOX DIE PFFF. i gona slay you someday 也不想想老娘我最近多伤心!。 2- I AINT GETTING ANY GOOD NIGHT SLEEP RECENTLY :(. My door been making weird sound at night!!. In order to prevent my mum from killing off my sweet dream in the morning, i been locking my door before i go to sleep but but.. When i am lying on my bed and preparing to enter the wonderous dreamland, i keep on hearing a Ki-cha sound. Its like the sound that is make when someone tries to open a locked door. and so i when to open my door to check and i saw no one. Thus i locked the door again and went to sleep. THEN I HEARD IT AGAIN. FUCK I AM SCARED T T. AND IT HAPPENED FOR TWO DAYS ALREADY. Oh humans, i beg of you to bring me a amulet now to protect me from the dark one in the corner. I NEED THE ULTIMATE PROTECTION OMGFIGGINGGOD. CACTUS, WHAI U NO PROTECT ME?. IS IT CAUSE YOUR AINT THE SPIKY KIND?. T T. 1- My hair, is so fugly, that its killing me. That's all. I be getting depression just because of my hair. sobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsobsob. Anyways, i am feeling so tired now. Just cried to my death after watching the finale of Scarlet Heart Ohlord, i kicked bucket two times today traveling from one extreme pole to the other. Actually i love the fourteen prince the one, he is the cutest luhhhh heeheehee. Getting sleepy~ Here here i shall end this post perfectly with a video of my loveeeeesssssssssssssss *foams pink bubbles of love* Jiyoung ah, i love you. When are you coming to take my hand in marriage?.
Monday, March 5, 2012 於9:18 AM I love my new shoes. I am at my ideal height when i wear them~ But the blisters aint funny :(. Boo
Hiiiii, Just accidently cracked an egg while closing the fridge just now so i am doing egg mask now. Ughhhhhh and i mixed the egg york with yogurt, the mixture look disgusting -_-. Its a banana's birthday last week so being nice, i draw of portrait of her in a card and gave it to her. Ps: its a banana wearing a leopard bra and strip dancing. heeheeheeheeheeheehee Anyways, i finally solved my problems today after going to ikea with liting.. Oh that poor woman, I ranted and poured out all my woes and fury and she had to listen to me for at least half of the trip. So the scene in the car and during dinner prolly look like this : HAHAHHAHAHA ragefaces are awesome. ahhhhhhhh~ now that i had *&^%$#@#$%ed my heart feels so much lighter, who shall be my next target... *smirks* Alright,back to my problems.. Ya now, now that kids had grown up (my hamsters), they decided to be ninjas to annoy the shit out of me during the night. Oh that fateful night when i woke up in shock when luffy ran across my face and stepped on my eyelid while my lengzai crawling around on my tummy... ........................ THIS IS IT I GONNA FIGGING GO BUY A SUPER TALL BOX SO YOUR LIL ASSHOLES WON'T EVER JUMP OUT AGAIN ARGHHHH. so i went to ikea with liting today~ and i brought a lot of cactus too. wahahahhahahahaha, They says that cactus can protect you from villian and 飘飘. Awesome i gonna go buy all sort of small cactus and place them around me for the ulitmate protection from the evil forces that appears during the night . Tadas, these are all the flowers in my room now. I need more!!!~ ♥ and still... i haven't buy my beloved green grassy rug and book shelf T-T. Liting keeps say the right one look like tentacles. *&^%$#@#$%^$#@#$%^$# i shall now name it after you. Liting the tentacles cactus HAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA and ohhh, i got a pink vase for my dried roses. They look so pretty together TvT. and the vase is sooooo cheap, gotda love ikea. hee Guudbye.
Saturday, March 3, 2012 於7:46 AM My life been real boring recently. Nothing to update about :/. Except for that i think that i am being taken for granted?. Maybe i am just being insecure but honestly, i don't see any efforts being made. Praise the extraterrestrial lord that i got two days off, Gonna rest and think stuff through. If i can't i guess i will just kill everyone in the neighborhood to vent my anger. Er in the sims 3. Anws i think i shocked my boss in the shop just now when i am being so fierce to the guilty one. normally i am so soft-spoken and just... erm peace loving.... actually i had the good mind to rant everything out here when i get home but i guess i did that already in the shop. and now i can't remember a single thing ... is this good or bad? ugh... Oh lord why is my memory still 24kb in size?. T T LOL, night~ Ok lah being reasonable, i will offer a solution, Bring me a generous amount of hams as peace offering and maybe i will forgive you HAHAHAHAHA Btw fuck the shoes and the idea of trying to look good in front of someone who doesn't even care. Screw those blisters i just peeled a piece of my skin off. FUCK LA.