Wednesday, February 29, 2012 於6:52 AM SELFISH?. WHO ARE YOU TO THROW THAT WORD IN MY FACE. FUCKING MORON. HI, You had no idea how annoyed i am with that chap who think that breaking his leg will render the rest of his body as nonfunctional too. Fyi, if you still can try to tap for wifi with your phone and disturb my peaceful DS playing time with that bloody internet connection.. you prolly can wash the dishes too. Btw, stop nagging at me, that pisses me off as most of the time i am the one who is turning off the lights and clearing off those rubbishes you're too lazy to throw for you. Btw i ate my lunch with salted egg and a small potion of the curry which consist mainly of potatoes cause i am trying to save the rest for my mum for she need dinner too. Thanks for eating everything. and my dinner shall be maggie mee.
Goodbye human world.
Well.. It look like i will be ditching the rest of the human world for a period of time cause i just landed my paws on Devil survivor 2 English version meow. OHYE!!~ Too bad i still need to report to work. bleah Else i will at home the whole day just playing this game Awww now then you know i am a game otaku?. meh heehee I really really really love this series so much!! The story, the graphic, the game play, the- EVERYTHING IS AMAZING. oh praise the human who come out with this and the whole bunch of humans who worked together to develop this should go to heaven for they make so many people happy TvT I am sorry, pokemon and my strawhat pirate team... Esp to franky the Tynamo for i haven't even evolve you yet...and i haven even catch luffy the dragon... I shall continue our adventure after i complete devil survivor 2 alright!!! T T *raise up hand and show the X sign* we're nakama forever! HAHAHAHHAHAHA Mad hungry, i shall go and eat my mum's awful curry chicken and then report to my sofa seat and start playing heeheehee Seriously, my mum is a great cook but i had no idea why her curry chicken taste so bad -_-. Labels: devil survivor 2 我的小孩长大了
Sunday, February 26, 2012 於10:18 AM A CUP OF FUR FOR YOU PLEASE?~ The only thing that haven't been improving is my photography skill. Oh geeshz. Just pretend that the photo is loading forever alright. Remember my furfur D luffy?. Yeah the kid is growing up pretty fast and has decided to be a ninja to torture her dear mum aka me. -_-. Been escaping from her cage everyday. Its covered with masking tape and plastic sheet now but she will manage to find a way out. I am sick of reinforcing her cage..... ......... Time to buy a new cagie. LITINGGGGGGG, IKEAAAAAAA LEH. accompany me to ikea and i will kindly forgive you for giving me a mental breakdown last Saturday and me make felt like nobody love me at all nobodyyyyyyyyy~ * collapse dramatically and start weeping * As a bonus, i will spare you from my pretty pink but mean nail too!. :D HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Byebye . Ohya, ditched lord of the ring for a chinese 耽美小说。 kekekekekekkekekeke. I love that scene when Lucifer barge into Micheal's room. Well...
Saturday, February 25, 2012 於12:14 PM Hi..... Its 4.15am, what are you doing here?. You should sleep. Unless you're addicted to Pokemon like me. 8D CATCH EVERYTHING YAY!~ Am considering reading lord of the ring, but it seems heavy :/ Anyways, i shall show you humans my precioussssssss. Oh my preciousssss ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh MAD BUT GENIUS SCIENTIST, WAT U DOING. U Y NO INVENT ELIXIR OF IMMORTALITY FOR HAMSTER. Y?!! Btw humans, go and google "Largest insect" now. Looking at that goddamn monster chewing on a carrot. A INSECT ..CHEWING..ON A..CARROT.... Meowz.... My dear extraterrestrial lord, i had nothing to do here on Earth now. Please take me away as soon as possible. btw..if its not obvious enough... i am a 9gag fan. Cheers~ dingding LOL
Cause i am civilized civilian~
Er hem I am not abducted by the aliens even dough i hope i am and instead i been busy slogging to earn more beli to build a pirate ship so i can sail across the ocean to meet luffy my love. Just kidding, Aldough i do hope its reality. Oh damn that word reminds me of that brain shrinking module. Fffffffffhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
&Say hello to my new pink sparkly gay nails. (I hate painting my nails, i get the paint everydamnwhere. The table the floor my hand my arm my hair. -_-) I can't believe i am sporting pink nails. Cause pink just remind me of I am barbie gurlz, in a barbie worldz~ HAHAHA And well i had a long list of humans on my to curse list now so that explains the special lil nail in the second photo. I shall curse them in a pretty pink,sparkly and more civilized way without using any word that is related to the human's reproductive organs. HAHAHA i love the glitter so much, gonna go get more colors Esp mermaid blue!!!. Well after i get my pay... +_+ Currently living in poverty now, aish /_\ Been rather busy working recently and i just ended my 4days working streak. Doesn't sound much but considering the fact that i am a sloth in human skin..... ugh... I wanna dieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Anyways, pictures. ._. Found this pretty effect which i like a lottttttttt!!. The blurred effect make me look prettier T T I know that some meaner soul will be thinking " Pretty meh?" but its alright i am well prepared... Oh Damn you!! * point my pretty pink middle finger * AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHA. How useful. I gonna stick with this design for at least one month Off to play pokemon black~ Shall continue to hunt for pokemon that resemble luffy. HEE. +_+
Monday, February 20, 2012 於12:01 PM Hi, i guess i want to fare well in my final test after all. Just finish reading 14 pages worth of notes and 15 power point slides and i could say i am feeling slightly cleverer than usual. With my brain filled to the brim with those knowledge that i deem useless ( How important is knowing moral issues to me,whom greatest ambition in life is to sleep all day? just kidding.) ,i shall go to bed carefully now so i will not spill out any of those precious information which i painstakingly stuff into that shrinking brain of mine for the previous 3 hours. Oh pity the 3 hours i sacrificed. I could finish watching 6 episodes of animes :(. LOL. Alright goodbye. Still considering if i should play phoenix wright :/ Kind of dangerous, i think after a round of objections half of those precious information will magically vanish without a trace. Better not, Boo :(.
Sunday, February 19, 2012 於11:42 PM Ma and Pa been nagging at me for the past week about studying for my final test but seriously, I been studying everynight... By reading English novels. LOL. I need to improve my command of language so i can reason and debate my way out of the test tomorrow whattttttttttt since there are no right or wrong answers. How else am i suppose to answer when all the questions want you to justify. Duhduh. Heehee time watch one piece!!. XD
Monsters in my brain.
Actually, I may appears to be nonchalant But deep down i questioned myself a numerous times before i go to sleep each night I had no idea but i guess pretty hurt after all. And all i could do is to lie there and let those monsters residing in my heart engulf me in darkness and left me doubting and hating on myself. I want to be detached from whatever i am attached to for a brief period. I want to be alone to calm down my heart. And again, i been proven that playing hero is plain stupidity in this world. folding my arms and leaning back on a sofa is what i should do. I hate this kind of world.
昨日牵着一个人的手看了《愛LOVE》 这部电影, 好喜欢他手上的温度,喜欢这两小时。 是部好片,好喜欢剧中里的人物 和 他们的台词。 特别喜欢小霓,很单纯很善良在爱的面前也很勇敢。 “我很挑剔,我很难搞,我讲话难听,我常常脸臭,可是那就是我啊,我就是没有办法像你一样听话顺从又牺牲奉献,就因为我没有这么伟大,我就不配爱人,我就不值得被爱吗?” 在她哭着说出这番话时,我的心被纠疼了一下 不自禁的看向了左方。 对啊 你会喜欢这样的我吗? 在确认前我不想跌得更深了,也不会去留念不会将任何有关以你的事变成习惯。 抱歉,我有我的不安。有保护自己的方式。 因为 其实更伤不起的是我。 对了,里面的男主角们也太帅了吧。 差点就因他们的Hot Body而失血过多阵亡 赵又廷我爱你!!。 唉不行啦 我的最爱果然是单眼皮男 超可爱的说 ♥ Labels: 愛LOVE,movie 超跑女神
HEART PIRATE CREW'S SYMBOL. Dang i want that boilersuit too!!!. i love jay chou TvT. By the way, the mv is seriously every guy's dream.
Friday, February 17, 2012 於7:33 AM I am angry but i don't know why. Maybe its the world. Everything is pissing me off. So give me a way to shut the world up.
Wednesday, February 15, 2012 於8:41 AM Resumed watching One piece. This arc is so heart breaking T T Ace is dead.. Whitebeard is dead.. MY LIFE IS OVER T-T. i hate that magma bastard omg i don't even want to remember his name he sucks i gonna print out his photo and use it as a doormat so i can step on his face everyday i hate him how can he kill ace how can he make my luffy sad WUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU~ T T
Sunday, February 12, 2012 於12:50 PM Can't sleep :(, Am feeling quite upset right now. I plays with my fatty furball everyday (my white dwarf cutie pie of a hamster) but i can feel something that is wrong with him recently. I let him sleep on my palms everyday and i could feel something...maybe its his weight or.. :(. Actually i know he is getting old. Baby please don't go too. Banana asked "What if one day you are stuck under a collapsed building with only your hamsters and people can only save you like 10 days later". No parent will ever eat their own children and THOSE ARE MY BABIESS T^T. LOL Btw am :') to get a short catch up with the navy boy. Someone i could talk to and share my woes with TvT. Be careful and lets go to bkk soon
May i know where i can buy a bazooka? :D
After much thinking and more thinking, I realise that actually i am not being unreasonable for being angry. Someone spent her whole day battling in the kitchen to bake cookies for you and yet you told her its not bad and could be improved? .................................................................................. RATATATATATATATATATA RATATATATATATATATATA BOOM BOOM BOOOMMMMMMM NOT ENOUGH I NEED BAZOOKA.
sup humans
Saturday, February 11, 2012 於12:38 PM A warning first, Am feeling quite unstable and there may be an emotional outburst due to me being miserable and feeling bitter. Alright. Am unable to sleep cause i am feeling ill so instead of wasting time tossing around on my bed and staring into the darkness...i shall type. BTW LAU LITING, SENT ME THE PHOTOS ALR. ON MY BIRTHDAY. THE PHOTOS. DON'T MAKE ME HAUNT YOU FOR THEM. Erhem, So i went to banana's house to bake cookies for those humans that i care about ~ & at the end of the day... i decided to never bake again. -_- Ok maybe at least for another half a year?. Auntie mode on to the extreme on the baking day. Anyways, the result turned out looking pretty enough. But the pain and hardship behind all these prettiness is unimaginable. Starting with me kneeling and cutting out the shape like no tomorrow for a figging i had no idea how many hours and with banana running in and out ,baking the cookies while armed with a tongs (LOL) and looking exactly like a satay man. And its pretty sad to be her that day, i raided her fridges and ate all her hams. HAHAHAHAA I LOVE HAMS ALRIGHT NOMNOMNOM. chicken and turkey ♥ The bacons will be next *smirks* By the way,to be honest... the cookies tastes bad LOL. Alright not exactly bad but its super dry. You need to drink half a cup of water to down on cookie. But on a second thought... it aint that bad hur...what a good way to promote healthy living. Water is good for your body yo!. & my dear friends, as i am such an angel... i make them for your too COME DOWN AND COLLECT THEM YO,YOUR MUST FINISH EVERYTHING I WILL PROVIDE THE WATER I DONT CARE!. and to think i am so nice yet no one is concern about how sad and miserable i am!!. OHH HO HO T T. I AM JUST ANOTHER LONELY SOUL, NO ONE CARES ABOUT ME. NOOO ONEEEEEEEE. I SHALL DOWN THIS BOTTLE OF POISON AND DON'T EVEN TRY TO STOP MEEEEEEEE oh actually they don't know yet but alright now you know so start sending me msgs of concern RIGHT NOW. i want to see them when i wake up tomorrow. :C. ps: the cookies are wonderland themed. fukekekekeke Outfit for today, guess i dressed in casual stuff and flats for the rest of the month cause i been feeling so lazy. And the weather is soooooooooooo bloodlyyyyyyyyy disgustinggggggggggg I hate the sun . & tadas, my birthday presents are mostly shiny silver stuff. Since its my 21th so its alright and yipeeeeeeeee :> But please don't give me precious metals and shiny stones anymore cause i am not exactly fond of them. LOL Le most wanted as gift for now is 1)flowers 2)Flowers 3)FLOWERS *scowls* Alright goooooooooooooooooooooooodnight.
Well... just you know... Getting me to say something cheesy is probably harder than building an atomic bomb and it will be easier to spot an yeti wearing a yellow pajamas than to see me confess about my feelings.. But i think i did some sort of an confession just now. But i didn't get one in return. You can conclude that i am rather upset right now. To me, words are more precious than shiny stones T T. & shit i am entering the "i am so vulnerable and insecure stage". :(
I like guys who are assertive. The low blood pressure evil lord
Thursday, February 9, 2012 於9:26 AM Say hello to Kyoya ootori, my hidden love in Ouran high school host club. Who can resist a capable man who acts like a gentleman but is actually wicked on the inside. & that he wears spectacles. plus sometimes he is so gentle too kyaaaa~ I love guys with a dark side~ Any guy with a dark side in anime will instantly become my favourite. Tamaki is an exception dough LOL. In chinese it would be called 斯文败类 HAHAHHAA. I love 斯文败类 type. Even though tamaki is like my ultimate love, i can't say i wouldn't cheat on him with kyoya. LOL. Ok this is getting weird but there a reason for mentioning him!. Cause a kind-hearted banana put a hanging shappo in my grocery auntie bag when i went over her house to bake poisonous cookie today heehee~ BTW DONT BUY ME THAT PANTSU ROSE. LOL. There a slot for photo but i decided to insert a warning inside and hang it under my mosquito net. Thus i drew kyoya the evil lord who wakes up with a bad temper. LOL Cause i do it extactly the same way as he did when my mum woke me up. The only difference is that he make more sense than me before dropping back to sleep. I will squint at the intruder and yell all sort of rubbish before shifting back into a comfortable position and sleep. The bad thing is that my mum think that this is funny and actually laughed when i am sprouting nonsense while emitting a killing aura. -_-llll Ohya, my drawing kinda failed dough cause i haven't been feeling artistic for a long period of time and stopped drawing D:. ok i shall buy a book and draw soon T T KYOYA WHY YOUR EYE SO BIG. T-T You doesn't look really scary anymore..... if only i can photoshop things in real-life.Cheating is a wonderful thing to do~ Btw if my shappo suddenly swing by itself without any aids of the wind in the middle of night, i will foam and faint .
To my dearest friends
Wednesday, February 8, 2012 於8:58 AM Despite my lack of interest in jewelry and shiny stones, i have been wearing the necklace your give me alright!. *points* So be nice and give me roses this valentine alright? 8-8. I really want roses 8-8. oh roses T-T. ROSES. Finishing The hunger game trilogy soon :(, Do anyone know any fictions that are similar to The hunger game and Battle royale??.
I am in love with this voice.
So in love, If any other guy around me sing this song, i will subconsciously punch the hell out of him but not him. His voice is so sexy ♥. Am quite in love with kyary and her style recently. Time to find pastel-colored stuff and eyeballs. heehee Labels: PonPonPon Next.
aww so precious ♥. Anyways that's not the main point, Guess what i be doing next~ Can't get this picture to turn, tilt your head instead LOl. Time to eliminate some humans and get them to disappear off the surface of the world Earth. Just kidddddddding.
kyary pamyu pamyu
Tuesday, February 7, 2012 於12:15 PM A whole song about fake lashies, Only a japanese can pull this off . & no i can't resist something that is so wonderland themed. Gosh ♥ LOL Labels: kyary pamyu pamyu, Tsukema Tsukeru Hellos. I spent my day at work either shivering from anger or from the cold. If this continues, i will start buying faux fur jacket -_-. As for the anger part, Two annoying cheenas came into the shop and wanted to buy the shirt and shoe which i am wearing. Belonged to my wardrobe and not from the shop. AND HELL YEAH THEY ARE SO DEMANDING AND PERSISTENT. as expected from people who came from a country that kill cats and throw them into a hot pot. pfff,yes i am judging and i don't care. The woman keep on asking me to sell her my shirt and keep on ask me to state a price and is like ohhhhh what a great chance for you to earn money, come on sell me and buy another one and she even come into the counter and touched my shoe to check the quality i think. OI WOMAN DIN'T I SAID I AM NOT SELLING ALREADY?. but she just stood there and refuse to go, bringing being a thick-skinned elephant-human to a new high level. & i totally had no idea what they're trying to say that that weird form of chinese half the time. But i think she said something like what since your are selling clothes here why don't you sell me the piece you're wearing?. omg. someone who is even more unreasonable then me -_-. and i had no idea how many times i told them that these are mine and i am not selling while still trying to smile and be friendly. Oh i regretted , i just curse them and non-stop cursing them. Then finally she is like, 2hundred for your shirt and shoes how. you know how much 2hundred is? 1k ren ming bi. HOLY SHIT FUCK YOU YOU MANAGE TO PERSUADE BILL GATE TO BE MY GODFATHER LAO NIANG ALSO DON'T WANT GO SELL YOU LEHHHHHHHH. when i am sick of them i shall donate them to the third world country i only let humans wear my stuff , not pigs. Crazy cheenas, you think that money make the world go round?. Ha not today bitches. *stick out tongue* PFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF lalala i am childish and i like it this way. ok rather ranting i am feeling so muchhhhhhh better. Going to cook supper nao goodbye~
Galaxy outfit.
Monday, February 6, 2012 於5:29 AM ![]() My favourite outfit for the past week. How am i able to resist something that sparkles like the galaxy?. -twirls and spins around- The lesson is about utopia today. I shrugged when they're discussing about what their utopia will be while i am busy building my alice in the wonderland themed house in The sims 3. Well... utopia only appears in dream and for one. Hee and i guess my utopia will be a place where all sort of tales come true. Wouldn't it be nice if there are fairies~ In the world where gummies grow on tree~~♫ Earth is too boring for my taste now And i think it gonna end up looking like a golf ball sooner or later with those non-stop building of nuclear weapons. No wonder they are so busy trying to find another "Earth" to escape to. This planet wouldn't last. & when are the aliens coming?. Just completed my last reflection journal. Hopefully... it will be the last one -_-. I used all my wit and humor in it so please give me a A, i beg of you. LOL alright byeeeeee
Did you think i missed that tone of condemn when i showed unwillingness to go get that stupid plate fried rice home for your son? Oh your precious precious dear son. No worries for food or anything when he is visited by the troublemaker, instant noodles deemed too unhealthy for his current precarious state. Had steaming hot meal lay out for him whenever as needed, house constantly stocked with food just in case he gotten hungry. That make me look like i come from the mud in comparison. Really. Pardon me for sounding like a jealous stepsister now,but how could i not be?. So here i am, ill for a whole week and still coughing while i sit here waiting for his fried rice to be ready for me to take home and set in front of him. Maybe he really does come from her womb and i am from the filth and rags. Else why do i have no one to coax me , to care for me when i down?. No one cares if i had eaten or not, or if i am well. Dwelling down to the simple yet upsetting conclusion that make my throat tightens up the way it does when i am sad. No one simply care. Not for me, anyways. I was right all along, who do i have except for myself?. Its only on that day, when the doctor said i may be ill with a deadly disease, only then did your shed some tears and questioned about the lack of concern until the very last minute. Only then did your regretted temporarily and i could only mock at your crocodile tears. yes those meant nothing to me for your reverted back to your old selves anyways. no repent no nothing. So i think i will give up so they can no longer hurt me anymore. So i can finally stop comparing when i don't see myself the same as him. & i dont hate him at all, its the unjust i hated. And i finally found the reason why i am so frustrated with you for these few days. I think i do know now It just suddenly hit on me that.. You can't be bothered to know me at all. I am afraid what that keep you interested is just fabricated thoughts of me in your mind. Not me. Maybe what i needed more is someone who truly know me and cared for me. Someone who can provide me with what, i am so deprived of. Oh so i am bombed with phone call and voices so deep with concern whether if their dear boy had eaten or not. YES THE FOOD IS ON THE TABLE. NOW SHUT UP AND LEAVE ME ALONE and for that awkward "have you eaten?" after i hang up on you at the moment you asked the question i hated the most now, finally realize the problem?. congratulations, nice try but its too late. My disappointment has gone far pass the point beyond savage. Sorry for such a dark and dreary post, le me shall go and chomp down my fried rice while reading The hunger game. Its so addictive and the story is interesting enough, go read it!.
Compilation post
Wednesday, February 1, 2012 於8:33 AM 1) On an (unknown date) and in a (unknown weather) day, we went to eat sakae buffet again~ Actually the plan is to eat ice cream but i insisted on sushi and yes, i won. The caption for the photo is " I seriously hate my teeth ". My greatest wish is that someone would transfer huge sum of money in to my account by mistake so i can go and get my braces done. SOB T T & i ate a lot on that day...erm... as usual. HAHAHHA NOMNOMNOMNOMNOM ok next, 2)Succeed in persuading liting into driving me to ikea so i can get my darling white table~ & yes i am using it now~ awww~~ ♥ Almost die in the process of getting it to look like a table, i need to train my muscles -_-. Brought flowers and vase too~ My flowers survive on chalk cause they're magical. WAHAHAHAHAHA. and look at my adorable little mice. so my dream room is 30% completed now. I wanted to finish the rest by this month but i deem it impossible now for i just brought 6 figging pair of shoes on taobao just now. AND ALL OF THEM ARE WITH THICK SOLES. and not to mention the bags. the reason for those thick soles is that... i will not let anyone get a full view of the top of my head again. NEVERRRR Such humiliation, huishan ish nooo hobbit ! >:( shit i am feeling faint now someone hold me /-\~ I think the shipping fee will leave me in poverty for the rest of the month. but but but what can i do!!. ITS SALES ALRIGHT. When that five magical alphabet come together, fairyland appears. Who can think straight while riding a unicorn?. uhhuh. Alright i don't make sense now. BACKK TO IKEA TRIP. So we went to hongkong cafe for dindin and honestly, i am really sick of the food there already. I will punch anyone who mention that place when asked for location to dine at. Alright,maybe not that violent but i will blurt out the forbidden three word which sound like fried chicken cutlet. Unknown alien structure carved out of their tasteless and torturous mango ice thingy. Le me explain the torturous part, just imagine eating this shit right under a air con. you get me now?. 3)ITS MY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION!!~ Don't have the mood to type cause i haven't receive all of the photos. This mahh birthday pressie~~~ The first time i wore something silver and sparkly in yearsssss~ I been wearing it out daily alright! HAHAHHAA thanks lah thanks lah~~ LOL. She is really my BBF ,who else will suddenly come and ask me to watch a video of jumping ants murdering a hunting spider whom blood is blue in color. LOL and i like watching those things. HAHAHA GOSH PEOPLE YOUR REALLY MUST GO SEE THE GIANT CENTIPEDE, DANG GROSS. *coughs* 4)finally, WELCOME TO YOUR NEW HOME KIDDY GIRL ♥ omg i am so muthafuckingly in love with her. WA AI LU. BABY YOU'RE MINE MINE~ MINE MINE~ OH MINE MINE~ ohhhhhhh you ticke ticke little lump of cutie cutie furfurz how i love you so~ and her name is luffy. HEEHEEHEEHEEHEEHEE.