Wednesday, December 28, 2011 於8:11 AM Been a tiring week, Physically and mentally. I had no idea why human relationships can be this fragile and no explanations are given for those drastic changes in attitude. Maybe i did something wrong maybe there are misunderstandings but well, *shrugs* Friends aint friends if there aint any trust. Today is the end of my 5 days working streak and i am drained of all my 元气 I miss my cosy zone ( Infront of my laptop) so much teeeheee :B Been trying to earn more money for next month cause the expenses will be quite high...with all the birthdays and festivals. And not to mention... my new year clothes. AH FRET Ps, i be celebrating my 18th birthday on the 29th of jan :). I want cakes &i gonna chop off those fingers that are pointing toward me and accusing me of lying. HAHAHA Been in love with shiny stuff recently, ( Bling _ Bling ) Off to cook supper~ :3 Ending with a photo of my energy charger MON AMOUR♥ *rub cheek against it* aside from one piece giantic battle... i just found ouran high school host club DS game in chinese!!, i can finally play it!!! omgggggg thankgod i am hellyeah good in chinese thankgod for those translators i love you all omgggggggggggggggggggggggggg TAMAKI SENPAIIIII Imma a happy gurl :D
Tuesday, December 27, 2011 於8:21 AM Today is the day when i realize i am totally over you. My heart din't pump over the range of 60-90 even when i spot you nearby. Oh yes. I can finally move on
Rainy christmas
Sunday, December 25, 2011 於8:32 AM ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Actually christmas doesn't felt like christmas this year. Went to a lunch gathering with andy and his mates at marche~ The food there ain't really that great dough. I guess my taste buds only fancy asian cuisines. Potatos and chuck of meats coated with oils are no-no. and sour sauce....ew... i want chilli. But it has been fun even dough the only time when my mouth is open is when i am sending food in... well my skin is rather thin. i am just shy alright *coughs* And well... christmas is over and this year is coming to an end soon. Everything seem so surreal.. In a month time i be hitting adulthood (which is rather depressing) and my future still seems bleak. All those doubts and uncertainly that are fogging my mind... sigh But nothing will be gained by just sitting down and brood, i guess i should just stop coming up with truckload of excuses for myself to escape reality and just try. Yes. Even dough life aint gonna treat me well and maybe i will fail. But at least i at least try to get something done. I can't continue wasting my life and live like a zombie anymore :(. I think this year aint as fruitless as i thought it would be. After seeing those ugly faces of humans ( mostly those that came from venus), I realize that the people around me are true angels and i should cherishes them more. and most importantly, i should just continue to live like myself HAHA. and i need to get a boyfriend...sigh.......... *nudge* andyyyyyy *nudge* and i know what you want to say after seeing my facebook. Thank you for those pretty photos you know i love youuuuuu kekeke so sorry that my photography skill is really lousy and you prolly only got some blurred photos of yourself. By the way to be honest, i accidentally took your canmake highlighter. HAHAHA and i used it. Goodnightttttttt :> Oh ho ho bah bah bah tee hee hee
Tuesday, December 20, 2011 於3:31 AM Hello, here i am dawdling at work. Well its not that i can help it... I am sick alrightttt And i did do sales :(. -lie flat on the counter- Suffering from a bad headaches now and just forced myself to swallow a couple of aspirins Ok swallow is a wrong word to use, the whole process is a journey to hell cause of the instruction of that the pills need to be dissolved in water first before consumed. Nonplussed, i even checked the instruction in chinese. And yes its true. I tried to drink those gritty white bits of life saver but they just got stuck onto the roof of my mouth and on my mouth and the taste is so ..... Wtfnabei. Ok so i am still suffering from headaches and those awful singing of christmas carols coming from downstair aint making it any better. -pull hair- north korea, drop your atomic bombs on them right now. LOL Alright i finally figure out when i really want for christmas this year. A heat resistance cute water bottle and boxes of florinda sour strings. I just melt my fifth plastic bottle while trying to pour in hot water for a lukewarm drink and nooo i dont wanna die from cancer T T. Been feeling rather paranoid and insercure rencently. My friends are being wayyyy too angelic these few days, ohman this is scary . Felt like something bad gonna happen soon LOL. But how could you blame me!!!, they are just a bunch of devils to be start with ok HAHAHA . Ohman that dog of a customer who behaved like a snob is back. Fml you dog get out ahhjhhhhjajclsjfkakkcksa JSYK, I am showing a disgruntled face.
Saturday, December 17, 2011 於12:08 AM Good afternoon, Today has so far prove to be a very bad day for me. One of the main core reason is that i still haven get my sincere apology. MINE YOU, I AM STILL MAD. PFT Hate it on how my hopes get smashed again and again & it make it double the not fine if its just ended with a I need to go to another dinner and -no reply- That's it? Its not that i don't understand the meanings of family and birthday dinner. But please be bothered to type something like sorry but its my family, make it up next time for you k~ and then throw in a act cute smiley. It will make the whole issue so much easier to digest. Ok next, My parents has gone to malaysia to drink tea for two days and the house is in a figging mess. AHHHHHHH I MISS MY MUM SO BAD. so i woke up at 3 and did housework till now. Still waiting for the water i just boiled to cool down, mad thirsty now yo. FUHHH. Had to go grocery shopping actually but totally don't have the mood to step out of the house. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR & i had no idea why, I had to throw in photos of my face. 怎样 怎样 不爽啊哈?! 老娘现在是在一个遇鬼砍鬼 遇神杀神的MOOD. &these are like the so called cream of the crop photos out of the N plus photos i took. HOW UGLY HAVE I BEEN RECENTLY, OH LORD. even the screw up lotso face look cuter. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH -RUN OUT OF ROOM- and heading off to the kitchen to cook. Gonna mince the meat into fiber to unleash my anger.
Thursday, December 15, 2011 於8:59 AM 当我和世界不一样 那就让我不一样 坚持对我来说就是以刚克刚 我如果对自己妥协 如果对自己说谎 即使别人原谅我也不能原谅 最美的愿望一定最疯狂 我就是我自己的神 在我活的地方 我和我最后的倔强 握紧双手绝对不放 下一站是不是天堂 就算失望不能绝望 我和我骄傲的倔强 我在风中大声的唱 这一次为自己疯狂 就这一次我和我的倔强 对爱我的人别紧张我的固执很善良 我的手越肮脏眼神越是发光 你不在乎我的过往看到了我的翅膀 你说被火烧过才能出现凤凰 逆风的方向更适合飞翔 我不怕千万人阻挡只怕自己投降 我和我最后的倔强 握紧双手绝对不放 下一站是不是天堂 就算失望不能绝望 我和我骄傲的倔强 我在风中大声的唱 这一次为自己疯狂 就这一次我和我的倔强 我和我最后的倔强 握紧双手绝对不放 下一站是不是天堂 就算失望不能绝望 我和我骄傲的倔强 我在风中大声的唱 这一次为自己疯狂 就这一次我和我的倔强 就这一次让我大声唱 lalalala... 就算失望不能绝望... lalalalala... 就这一次我和我的倔强 ♥
Been posting too rapidly recently (?)
Tuesday, December 13, 2011 於7:49 AM ![]() Say hi to my new found love, raisin bread. Been chewing it every day. Yes this totally explains why my cheeks are getting rounder. SHYT. &ohhhhhhhhhhflyawayhair. i am too bloody lazy to iron my hair straight even during days when i am heading out.. AHHH SHO TROUBLESOME. Let me recall what i have been doing recently, its all about with food and my mouth moving up and down. and erm collapsing on my bed at any given chances and then *stop moving* ?. I-need-to-stop. But all those tidbits around me are not helping at all. T T. Nevermind, things to do for this week. 1) Go collect my taobao items on thursday :D 2) Go eat curry fish head 3) Go ikea for their awesome mushroom soup 4) Go fair price and buy a bag of corns 5) Go andy's house on sat to snatch clothes Purrrfect :). & please don't buy christmas pressie for me cause i am too broke to buy anything to gift back. OHHH WAIT, WHAT ABOUT CHRISTMAS CARDS?. I GOT LOTSA CRAYONS AND COLOR PAPERS :D Then in return i want florida's natural sour string. *BEAMS* HAHAHAHA Arigato . bringing extortion to an new weird level. Btw,i am looking forward to the steamboat feast on reunion dinner already. Ohgod what is happening to me. Missing sushi like mad too. ahhh the handrolls. I think i will give the aliens a hard time when they come to collect me cause by then i would turn into a 肥婆 with 车轮肚 and 三下巴
Will i become the GF version?.
HAHAHAHA, The epic pose of raising hand with the X mark. we are~ we are~ on the cruise!!!~ WE RE one piece! I feel nauseous.
I read something so horrifying till i stop chewing my gummies. HUMAN POPULATION TO HIT 8BILLION BY 2025 & 9BILLION BY 2045. Emmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm *play around with fingers for a while* So so, When is the zombie apocalypse going to happen?. Hello people, its about chocolate.
Monday, December 12, 2011 於10:36 AM Am reading a Candy blog now and all those colorful candies are making me drools. & meh the chocolates just turn me off. I had no idea why but i will feel like i will get a sore throat after looking at too much chocolate. Been eating candies all day while reading those interesting stuff that happen in the past, for example marie antoinette, top 10 torture devices and ... Hitler. LOL Feel kind of uneasy chewing Florida's Natural sour string while reading the part on human medical experiment, ewwww so sick. Esp the part when two twins are sew together....... *vomit out sour string* So addicted to the Sour String now, it tastes superb. Am offically ditching the nuggets for them cause i dislike the waxy outer casing. Ohya, i can't get why people drink chocolate ice blended. It look awful in my eyes 3_3 Whenever i just see the drink i will imagine chocolate bars+ water +ice cubes + Sugar dump onto a blender and plishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... :B Alright goodnight. Been trying to keep away from one piece recently cause... I NO HAVE COURAGE TO FACE THE DEATH OF ACE T T. the death of bon kurei has already left a mark in my fragile heart~ No i believe he is still alive, he is a true friend... oh staying back to sarifice himself for the sake of the others T T, BON BONNNN!!!~ you gonna appear in episode 600!. you will!!!!! alive!!!!!
Bon Kurei!!
Thursday, December 8, 2011 於6:12 AM ![]() BON KUREI I LOVE YOU EVEN DOUGH YOU'RE A OKAMA T T. YOU DA BEST, A TRUE FRIEND. -thumbs up- I am like ohhh -touched- whenever he come back to save luffy sob sob sob sob sob. The scene in freezing hell, when he appear shirtless and covered in blood with keys to save luffy despite luffy is near death... SOBBBBBB LET ME HUG HIM ALREADY ♥ Labels: bon kurei, mr.2, one piece Short hair + lotso ~
Tuesday, December 6, 2011 於8:26 AM Hello hello humans, I am still alive. Dough i have not been eating much and sleeping a lot recently. Everything that look spicy or oily make me wanna throw up :( buzzzzzz HAHAHA I LOVE THIS LOTSO HUGGIE SO MUCH. ITS SO HUGGABLE. found it at blackclover and i borrowed it over meehee~ Overall, i love my new hairstyle. Cause the previous one is bloody annoying Well actually this too cause i need to curl the end part in else my ends will end up in all directions.. but well.... i don't regret cutting!! :D. & to my loyal reader lau liting, i left that important note regarding my future in your car!! AHHHHH :(. & alien control the ufo, nabei. I gonna start collecting lot of data and start debating with you. LOLOLOLOL btw, -insert a photo of yer golden hair- One of my christmas wish is for you to start wearing contact lens. Sigh, to my dearest grandma in the milkyway... when will my wishes ever come true? &&to my friend who went to field trip yesterday, please come back safeeeeeeeee, you can do it!!! LOL HAHAHA
Hi, i can see clouds and angels.
Monday, December 5, 2011 於5:38 AM Been vomiting and feeling faint for the whole day. And i just empty my stomach out of everything after drinking that deadly drain water like flu medicine my mum gave me. I think i am going to die~ Before i die, i must say something... Someone please take care of my bbs for me and my dear friends please try to be sad and i like you, its such a big mistake for you to not choose me cause i am such a nice girl kekeke. Ok, now i shall go lie on my bed.
Sunday, December 4, 2011 於6:30 PM -RAPING THE REPLAY BUTTON- omg omg i can't find any word to express my feel now but O M G GD THE CL HAHAHA, and top is so cute and he sings!!!!!. plus daesung is back, what a happy day~~~~~ BOM RA DA DA DA DA DA DA DA
我做了一个好梦, 梦里我们是在一起的。 若能,我原继续沉睡
Oh god world is so unfair.
Thursday, December 1, 2011 於8:21 AM She is so pretty *v*. trouble maker ♥♥♥♥♥
*whistles* I like this duo~~ Hyuna is so pretty in that white dress, hope someone will do a makeup tutorial for this look i love it so much kyaaaaa~