Wednesday, November 30, 2011 於12:18 PM Am in the withdrawal from the society state recently, don't feel like to communicate much with humans & i had no idea why :/ That telegraph sound coming from my hand phone annoys me so much till i turn the silent mode on and throw my phone into my wardrobe ._. I want to be in my own world :(. *curl up in my cosy corner and read book* secretly went to look at the medicine my dad been taking and found out he is suffering from gastric pain. I am afraid. Hate this feeling Hate it I will find a way to be real successful so he can retire early, i will.
Néih hóu!!!~
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() MY FACES, KEKEKEKEKEKE. working is all about camwhoring when there are no humans around. Sigh if only both side of my cheeks are in equal sizes. *broods* Tadas my full alodge outfit, Am sort of annoyed that day as i am so busy finding something to match the skirt and humans keep on coming in -_- My laobang want me to wear it to promote and yes it did work, I am proud to say that i sold quite a lot of pieces -smirks- ohya that day is such a guilty day, Spent so much cause its nearing end of the month which means pay day $_$. & i blame it on the 30% off banner outside etude house fuhhhhhhh. But i can't wait to try on that primer essence mist i brought, it look so pretty *v* & i can't wait to get my haircut this Saturday. So annoyed with my hair now. Been looking at my past photos i am must say i am rather depressed, I feel like i been aging...... Plus its already December... So i be hitting 21 in like less then 2 months?. I think after that i will dread celebrating birthdays and on that day i will get depressed and moody. I don't think i will celebrate birthdays anymore after next year. But it alright please do continue buy me cakes and presents to cheer me up. :}. 你以为老娘会就这样便宜你们吗? 给我买多点保养品啊! Alright am sort of in love with Eason recently, HAHAHAHA he is such a good man alright. The type i would want to marry~~ I wanna learn canto so bad. Shall go and download a lot of canto drama and watch :}.
Tuesday, November 29, 2011 於7:32 AM Am so so so so so so so mad with all those renovation work going on. MUST DRILL AT 12 PM EVERYDAY ONE LEH, MUST. AND IT HAS BEEN THREE DAYS ALREADY, I AM NOCTURNAL AND A LIGHT SLEEPER. how can i sleep with all those drilling going on HUH. Am dreaming about something extremely nice and magical today then when the drilling starts, something snapped inside me and i marched toward my window and went *&^%$#@#$%^$#@!CCB. and even my floor is trembling. GR LOL, but the drilling still went on, oh well... Thus i woke up early and eat my brunch with a angry chao ah beng pose. If the drilling still goes on tomorrow i gonna scream. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH then i will 离家出走 before i 精神崩溃 Dino's !&bday
Monday, November 28, 2011 於3:30 AM Went to celebrate Dino's 17th birthday last Thursday ~. & we traded raw salmon for pizza, sigh i miss salmons. Ordered the christmas family feast and i must say the pizza taste pretty bad. Fuhhhhhhh Ohhhhhhhh soda~ ♥ Dino went to drink the green apple syrup before stirring it with the soda. Favourite~ nomnomnomnomnom. Gonna order this next time when i dine at pizza hut. & our faces, too sleepy to type kekeke. THE DINOOOOOSAUR, HAPPY GROWING UP HAHA. actually we took a lot photos of the dino but i think she will murder me if i post them Bringing unglam to a new level man. LOL ending with my favorite photo, nice ghoul face on the left LOLLLL. Guu-bai~
Sunday, November 27, 2011 於10:26 AM I will never ever eat Mac again. Ok not really maybe for like... at least 1 month??. The meals really make me sick, Felt like i just ate a whole chunk of plastic and everything are stuck in my digestive system. Not worth suffering from indigestion even if its for the curry sauce Oh great now i cant sleep and thus i shall give school a miss (kekekekekeke). & i decided to go shop for my new year clothes. LOL. Wahhhhhhh omg *sparkles* wanna buy this to hang in my room and just stare *v* and i could totally picture myself turning into a old maiden while wearing that dress with a bunch of cats surrounding me......... alright i am sad now goodnight I AM HUNGRY.
Thursday, November 24, 2011 於9:33 AM PLEASE RAIN STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE FROM FOUR LEAF NOW. ONEGAISHIMASU~ btw watched one piece till the part when going merry is given a viking funneral cause he can't sail with the pirate crew anymore. OMG I CRYYYY T T, even when he is full of injuries he still went back to save luffy and crew. OMG MERRRRRRYYYYYYY NOOOOOOOOOO NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO T T i gonna find a poster of going merry and stick it to my wall man, merry T T!!!!! When merry started speaking to the crews i am like sobbing like mad. DANGIT MERRYYY WHAT IS ONE PIECE WITHOUT YOU T T.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011 於9:12 AM 我不哭!!! -咬紧唇向上看- Labels: movie, 那些年,我們一起追的女孩 Monday, November 21, 2011 於8:45 AM I feel so insecure whenever i am alone, outside. Turn to Google for a solution and it gives me craps. &the only human who understands and #alwaysthere is gone. sigh i am sad T T
All i can comment about this week is that, i am mentally and physically dying. Here is a suiting photo of me, lying like a corpse on bc's sofa. ahhhhhhh such a heaven there~ Look at the lightning, omg perfect sleeping place HAHAHA too bad i need to guard the shop fuuuu. Ok, been working for five days straight and getting less than 6 hours of sleep each days and the one day school is slowly sucking my soul away and overall i am so tired . Aish. i miss one piece and my hamsters. Ok, actually my work aint tiring at all but i just hate working continuous for so long. I am a lazy ass, i know. LOL and my mood been extremely bad this few days and i think i must have piss/irritates every humans that are considered as close to me off once LOL. i am sorryyyyyyyy but i am seriouslyyyyyyyy moodyyyyyyyy. I think all the moral relativism and conceptual shits has finally drive that brat self out of me. AHHHHH NO I DONT WANNA GO SCHOOL ANYMORE NO MORE THEORIES NO MORE NO MORE! -drop onto the ground and kicks around- i even put a rage fuuuuu face on my ppt today, the faci need to know how i feel. ROFL lets pray for my angelic self to return soon okae. kekeke angelic self kekekeke i am still so adnormal kekekeke i am going crazy ohhhh naega micheo micheo micheoseo irae~~~ *starts singing and doing body waves* btw, I been relying on them the whole day to keep me alive. woosangie wo ai niiiiiii♥ & i realize i am quite knowledgeable about cultures of those wulu malu places. When people are presenting examples like the bullet ants and clitorectomy stuff i am feeling so clever cause i know HAHAHA. ahhhhhhhhhhhh finally, the day when i feel clever. finally. actually i had no idea what the hell i am typing and what is the purpose for this post any more. goodbye, ending with a photo of me and my good friend ( the mirror♥)
Apple of my eye
Saturday, November 19, 2011 於11:28 AM 剛看了 那年我們一起追過的女孩, 喜歡它的寫實,陽光中摻雜著的黑暗 我能明白他的不勇敢 這 確成了人生中的那一點遺憾 Labels: movie, 那些年,我們一起追的女孩 SeeU
Thursday, November 17, 2011 於8:03 AM *coughs* I feel so -blushes- to be addicted to this song. Well if you don't know why, go read the lyrics. How can you not think that way?.... er......... .....nanana nananaa naanananaan nanananaa nextttt topicccc So which animal do you like the most now!!. Yay yay i like siberian tiger!~ Oh yes they're so cute~ LOL. Everyone have a good rest goodbye!~
Tuesday, November 15, 2011 於11:50 AM 我并不自卑, 就怪现实的残酷,本身的残缺与他人的无心或有意 我有勇气去面对 却没能力去证明 也无法接受现实 这样,好累 sigh.
Monday, November 14, 2011 於11:46 AM Me, camwhoring in the shop waiting for prey to appear in the shop. -sales thirsty eyes- ROFL. Well cause there are no other things to do, especially on a rainy Sunday T T. & dumtam, went back to having a bang cause i need it on the AFA trip. Well cause i am going there with banana & her friend wearing this : LOLOLOL MEAH THAT'S SOMEONE WHO JUST LOOK LIKE ME LAH. HA HA, HA HA. HA HA HA *COUGHS* *SHY* HA HA HA HA HA Thus the night before, i just took a scissor and chop off my ugly side fringe. Kind of regret it now cause its too short. Can't even sweep them all to the side. grrrrr -_-. If only i had bigger eyes and a V-shape face. Then i can get something like this Hahaha one of my favorite female anime character. She is so pretty i love her so much~~ *v* I abused my punching bag pig when she din't end up with george Love that kind of bang so much but i better don't get it cause i will end up look like 咱们是中国人~ you know you know behhhhhh. been staring at own reflection lately and i hate my own figure so dang much. I need more meat around my butt and hip area. but all the fats just go to my cheek. OHLORH YOU'RE SUCH AN ASSSSSSSSS so sleepy, lose the will to complaint already. Goodnightttttttttttt Labels: paradisekiss, work omg. -_-
Sunday, November 13, 2011 於6:58 PM 我必须以华文来诉说老娘此刻的感受。 郁闷的星期一,如同真子般的爬来上学就算了 被这些狗屁理论弄得头昏脑涨也算了 本以为可以去听听我老公的新歌 让我复活复活一下 没想到边读 social reality 边听 听着听着我的泪都快流下来了。 老公,你怎么了? 是那狐狸精对吧? 是它整天在给你灌迷魂汤是吧? 都已经是修炼千年的老狐狸了还骗说是花样18岁! 杰伦 你回来吧别被骗啊!!~~~~~~ 哦老公你好吗, 皮影戏演的多精彩你都必须记得你是 MINE MINE。 狐狸精给你弹奏的迷魂曲不可听, 披着人皮就算了它还有公主病。 没心没肺你竟给我搞外遇,搞得我现在琴傷内伤通通得,还得听听你的旧歌才得活命。你说世界未末日,有没有搞错我都快疯了。害我从超跑女神变成索命幽魂在空中慢慢飘... 慢慢飘... 哦我要那女人的命~ 但即使如此我有你给的療傷燒肉粽,下次不可再犯了噢老公我依然爱你哟~ 唉,若你真的结婚了...若你真的和那昆虫结婚了...T T 即使如此...我对你的爱永恒不变 只求你多写点慢歌, 歌词就拜托方文山大师吧 最好在把那18岁的昆虫给休了扔入大海喂鱼。 若没有结婚,直接扔出宇宙 Labels: 2012, jaychou, youmakemecry AA again.
Thursday, November 10, 2011 於1:22 AM Please skip if none of these boys succeeded in making you drools over them. Finally, a proper version of the performance i love the most so far ♥. Woosangie is so perfect in here. No exaggerating moves, no spins, just him looking like a flawless demonic prince who just step out of a comic book . and his voice is so mesmerizing Oh woosangie are you a merman are you a vampire?. ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ BTW, am watching one piece just now and when luffy and usopp started fighting each other I am like T T T T T T. Thus i decided to go stare at woosang for a while first. Omg i don't want usopp to go and i want them to continue sailing on going merry! but ahhh i know they'll be together in the end~~ nanana Actually i like usopp a lot, ok as compare to that three superhero kind of human in crew... usopp is really mehhhhhh and cowardly but i think he is really brave . I mean, for a coward to be able to stand up and try to defeat someone whom he know is so much stronger than him to protect/help his friends... usopp!!!~ T T no you're not weak you're the bravest soul,well erm...not really...but at least you got the courage!!!. Labels: AA, fangirl, Kpop, one piece, Woosang I am sick of looking like a pon ti ah na.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011 於1:20 PM Its not out of dumbness that cause me to misspell that spooky word. Well i am just scare alright I still cherish my vocal chord even dough i can't sing for nut and i am such a nice person~~~ , i will go straight up to the heaven after my heart failed in its duty but i am so in love with lucifer (the yaoi novel...) i wanna go down down down down down. LOL oh am straying too far from the main point, Am thinking of how much hair should i chop off?. Or should i just let them grow & then i shall crawl out of a tv for entertainment sake? dumdum should go and slim my face first. i gonna pull off a boy cut someday. SOMEDAY!!. this is weird, whenever i blog- i felt like i am just having a chat with my blog. Hi blog you're alive i shall name you as toradoramiao.
Well well.
ALRIGHT ALRIGHT. I been fangirling all day long. & woosang has captivated my heart Please strike off whatever i said earlier. The way he stand at 2.20 has my heart bumping over the normal healthy rate of 60-90. Well...sometimes love is just about the right time right pose right moment. ROFL He reminded me of lucifer who is trying to win back michael 's heart (cough cough contents from a yaoi novel i been reading recently) Who cares even if he move like a jellyfish and spins around too much sometimes. 谁管啊~ 我hold得住(老梗)~ Wooo i love his voice, but my favourite is still ho-ik's. I think i can listen to him talk all day♥ & look at woosang with all his hair comb back plus that high collar leather shirt. I want to rip his shirt off and xxx then xxx. LOLOLOLOL, OHHHH I AM JUST KIDDING LAH HAHAA OHHH PLEASE I AM SO INNOCENT I AM A NUN MANZ *CLAP HAND TGT AMEN* HAHAHA but seriously my beloved woosang, don't do the choreography for your next song. I admit that its kinda refreshing and woohoo seeing guys sway around like that for a change and kimchi look so cute doing them but @1.08.... he is only 18 don't victimize him by making all the gays wanna rape him. kyaaaaa back to fangirling i am so in love with doubleA now stop up those idiots who call them gays!!! nehneh Labels: AA, fangirl, Kpop, Woosang DoubleA
Found this group 15hours ago and i am still so interested in them. Well, how to put this in a nice way.... They're erm.. the most feminine boy group i ever seen and the amount of body waves in their choreography is ._. and considering that most of them are 180 and above...moving like this.. & their body wave aint like those of rain's. It felt like i am watching a boy group singing cool manly hit song while dancing a girl group's dance. Well ok as they pull it off well cause i am addicted to the floor sweeping move ♥_♥ *cough cough* and please look at the way woosang move. if you had no idea which one is him, just look out for the one who behave dramatically throughout and keep spinning around. LOL i am laughing like mad when i focus just on him. HAHAHAHAHA By far aoora is my favourite as i like his body wave the most, The woosang guy is enjoying it too much man my god he is too elastic my gosh even he do look sexy sometimes and i love his voice but wahpiang really cannot man the actions stop spinning around!!!. Ok looking forward to their MV~~. So in love with their voices and *cough* waves on the ground~ hello huishan welcome back to the kpoppy worldzx. **** omg omg i hate this performance. Aoora's my love my love part, the way he walked forward with his left hand raised up. *bang head on desk* Labels: AA, aoora, fangirl, Kpop, Woosang this is such a mistake. ohh
Tuesday, November 8, 2011 於11:16 AM Well, i think i mention this before.. I dislike being afraid of something, or having fear?. Thus now i am able to go wooooooo on roller coaster rides and kill cockroaches like some samuri now. but well there is one almighty fear which i can't seem to get rid of, which are those spiritual drifting around beings. Oh, the shame of screaming like a pig in the haunted house Oh how can i be so weak Oh i am suppose to possess the spirit of a samurai warrior Oh. So i decided that something... must be done. *determination* Following the Chinese saying of 以毒攻毒 ,i decided to read about them at 3am . but i guess its a wrong move cause i am too afraid to go to the toilet now. holy shit i need to pee and brush my teeth. T T T T T T since i am now stuck in my room i shall update my blog. Went to ikea with liting to get boxes as my baby just created a hole at her's box-home -_-. I had no idea how, its plastic and its thick. no wonder you can make a blood fountain out of my finger bb... Had a awesome Ikea meatball meal (ok actually i prefer the mushroom soup, meat balls are too meaty for my liking :/)& i brought myself a pot of roses ♥ Ahhhhh hush my hidden girly side, i love flowers so much~~ *rolls around on rose petals* &since nobody is giving me any i shall d.i.y!. sulk.hmpft.its alright #forever alone. 5 nov, Went for prawn fishing with the two bullies in my life. They gain happiness from making me feel miserable LOL. & all i can say is that i am so brave & useful in the trip cause i caught the first prawn and unhooked it and i played the badass role of murdering all our catches by twisting off their claws/pincers? then piercing them with satay sticks. throughout the process i am like, sorry i am so sorry ouch ouch ouchhhhh *close eyes* sorryyyyyyyyy *push the sticks in*. Like a real professional laoda rank prawn fisher whom only ambition in life is to catch a 黄小虎 for me. 黄小虎 - A hugeass tiger prawn which send our hook flying toward the roof after escaping, and that is its name for i want to bring it home as pet. knn ccb when i see people cooking my pet krmvfdsczdacdbeasd. I am so sorry, rest well and be a lion in your next life. amen. My face with my eyeliner melting. well done, and i am aging... i am aging... Someone who catches prawns with a ........ pose. You're sucha AHHH HAAHAA HAAAAHAAA HAAAHAAAHAAA INTERESTING AHAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAA sorry dear prawns and chickens but your tastes soooooo good nomnomnomnomnom. Cause i am tired and i want to go read 天神右翼 so badly, ending with my yogurtly face and showing off my putting bb to sleep skill. Valval taught me this and well i gonna diligently make my face yogurtly everynight to get back my once...flawless.... *burst into tears* Notice the injury on my lengzai's paw?. sobsob that super fierce girl who make blood spurt out of my finger did that to him cause he is being horny *coughs* bad boy leng zai bad boy. My heart painnnnnn T T Ok, guuu-bye~
Friday, November 4, 2011 於1:42 AM Can't fucking show that i got even a cent in this fucking family. Brought a pot of rose home yesterday and that bitch just when oh so you got money to spare do you want to pay your own phone bill?. and don't give me those expression like i am abusing you when i am angry. not gonna fall for that anymore. and i can't think clearly now, So overcome with rage. fucking want to kill someone now I really want to know what kind of outcome you predicted when you decided to send those tweets.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011 於3:09 AM hear about this a few weeks ago and i finally went to watch the video. fucking sick. I am like closing my eyes when the van is approaching. This look more like the end of the world to me No i am not a saint but I just can't understand how those bastard can just walk away like this when they see a child lying in a puddle of blood. It wouldn't kill to like drag her to the roadside and call for help?. How can they just walk away like this. I fucking don't understand. & how can the first driver just run over the toddler for the second time like this, Don't he feel anything when he feel the bump. FUCKING DEMONS, DEMONS. and what can i expect when peoples from that country host annual dog meat festivals and tied dog to the back of their car and just drag them along. knn for that 18 cunts, karma will sink your all and throw your back to where your should belong. Demons.